Other Risk Mission Software Products

Product: Sound Holistic Integrated Risk Assurance (SHIRA); a web-based Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) / Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) software solution application. The solution has been developed in line and based on ISO 31000 risk Management Standard (ISO) and COSO:2016 Model (USA) for robust internal control system in organizations. The system is also achieving and applies the concepts of the modern internal control 3 lines of defense model developed and published by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) in USA. Major Value: 1. Comply to risk management regulations. 2. Operations Efficiency and excellence.

Product: Sound Holistic Integrated Risk Assurance (SHIRA) - Risk Based Audit (RBA); a web-based software solution complementary to SHIRA software for risk-based internal audit planning and operations management. Major Value: 1. Modern risk-based internal audit planning and resources management. 2. Efficiency and excellence in internal risk-based audit operations
Product: Information Security Risk Assessment for Enterprise. a web-based software solution for Corporate and SME business Information Security management based on ISO/IEC 27001 Major Value: 1. ISO27001 implementation gap assessment 2. ISO27001 maturity model 3. Asset registrar and Vulnerability assessment 4. Provide a guidance for mitigation

Product: Information Security Risk Assessment for Family use. a web-based software solution for individuals, SMBs and civil social organizations Information Security management based on ISO/IEC 27032 Major Value: 1. Cyber Risk and Vulnerability Assessment 2. Provides controls for addressing Cyber Risks and Vulnerabilities including: • Social Engineering and Hacking • Sharing Information with Strangers, • Cyberbullying and Blackmail • Preparing, Detecting and Responding to attacks
Other Risk Mission
Software Products

Internal Credit Rating and Evaluation Solution (ICRES), It’s a dynamic, flexible, and efficient rating engine for customer segmentation purposes used for excellence in strategy and operations in the fields of credit, collection, and sales. The solution is CORE to implement and comply with the IFRS 9 mandated standard. It’s applicable for CORPORATE, SMEs and RETAIL, and can handle complex rating and credit scoring rules.
Major Value:Customer segmentation.
Efficiency and excellence for Strategy & Operations in credit, collection and sales.
Core element to comply with the international financial reporting standard IFRS 9 and provides business intelligence (BI) for any organization

A fully automated and dynamic software solution to implement and comply with the international financial reporting standard IFRS 9.
Major Value:Comply with IFRS 9 – regulatory mandated all over the world
Efficient (Expected Credit Losses Reserves (ECL) calculation)

A fully automated and dynamic software solution to implement and comply with the international financial reporting standard IFRS 16.
Major Value:Comply with IFRS16 - regulatory mandated all over the world

A fully automated and dynamic software solution to implement and comply with the international financial reporting standard IFRS 17.
Major Value:Comply with IFRS17 - regulatory mandated all over the world

A web-based document management system (DMS) and archiving designed for SMEs.
A fully automated and dynamic software solution to manage and measure the organization’s performance. Strategic & Performance Management solution manages the enterprise strategy; starting from the strategic level down to operational and activities level. The solution enables measuring and evaluating (M&E) the organizational performance.
Major Value:
Manage strategy, strategic goals, and tasks (annual operational plans)
Measure performance and success of implementing strategy.
Measure performance of employees, departments, directories and company